Diablo 2 ps2 release date
Diablo 2 ps2 release date

diablo 2 ps2 release date diablo 2 ps2 release date

The Dark Alliance games were really rather good - simple but technically and mechanically slick hack-and-slashers that were quite possibly the first ever games to move the Diablo loot-em-up formula into full 3D graphics.įollowing on from last year's unexpected multiplatform re-release of the original Dark Alliance comes this re-release of the 2004 sequel. Arriving in 2001, a time when the once-formidable publisher Interplay was struggling to recapture its former glories, Dark Alliance was an effort to transfer the deep lore and sense of adventure from the Baldur's Gate PC games into a format palatable to console gamers.Īnd while today it seems a tad outdated to assume console gamers lack the attention spans of their PC brethren and crave simpler, more action-packed games, it can't be denied that some interesting games came out of that assumption. The Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance games were a fascinating - and troubled - little patch of videogame history. Xbox One/Series, PS4/PS5, Nintendo Switch, PC Remarkably fluid combat and seamless local co-op

Diablo 2 ps2 release date